Monday, January 10, 2011

The Butterfly Mosque (2010) by G. Willow Wilson


I have an interest in religion and especially since it's been in the news and since one of my friends has converted to Islam and married a Muslim I have a special interest in Islam and the life of Muslims.  This book was a perfect pick to fill that interest.  It is a story about a young American woman, a college girl, who was raised atheist but has an intense interest in Islam.  After graduating college she takes up on an opportunity to go to Egypt which is where her journey in discovering more about herself, Islam, and the beauty of Egypt and Arab culture begins.  It is also a story of love, but I feel the real focus is on Muslim society in Egypt and how she, Willow the author, relates to it.  If you have had any reservations about Islam before this book will allow you to see the true and pure beauty of the religion.  However, the author doesn't sugar coat anything.  She shows you the ugly with the beautiful which I think most can agree can be found in all cultures and religions.  If you are not familiar with Islam or what it means to be Muslim this book will not answer all your questions but give you a jumping point from which to go further in discovery.

Overall it was a good memoir, not truly exciting, but a simple look into another way of life which was calming to the spirit.  I am glad to have read it and I would recommend it to people with an interest in Islam, Muslims, or Egypt as well as for people who view Islam negatively (this book just may show some that the world is not as black and white as it seems).

Happy Reading!

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